Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Southwest Airlines Essay Example for Free

Southwest Airlines Essay Background Summary Southwest Airlines based in Dallas was founded in 1967 by Rollin King and Herb Kelleher. It is one of the major domestic airliners which provides carrier and transportation service. This company has 35,499 employees and it runs over 500 Boeing 737 aircraft in 67 cities in the US. Southwest’s principal values are: Providing low-fare and short haul service. Offering the highest quality of customer service. Putting a lot of importance on the fair treatment to its customers. Building friendly relationship between its customers and employees.   Southwest Airlines has achieved a great position in the airline industry by adopting five important strategies. First, using the minor league airports which have helped the company to reduce traffic delays and increase passenger convenience. Second, flying one kind of aircraft has helped it to achieve lower training cost. Third, reducing turn-around time by using point-to-point strategy, has avoided the use of complicated reservation process system. Forth, not offering assigned seating and preferential treatment on frequent fliers, has led the company to have better ticket price. Lastly, emphasis on building good relationship between passengers and attendants has been a well valuable factor. Southwest uses a different kind of reward programs. For instance, the reward for frequent fliers includes free flights according to the number of flights; which means if you fly eight round trips or sixteen one way trips, you will get one free round trip ticket. In addition the company offers free drink coupons, toll-free reservations phone numbers, and credit with a preferred partner, which means if you take fifty round trips in a year, you can designate one person to travel with you for one year. Southwest Airlines main competitors are: Continental Airlines, USAir ways, Delta, United airlines, and American Airlines. As you can see in the table below, the current days have been really challenging for the industry. However Southwest has been able to increase its operating revenues. Southwest decided to go public in 1977 with the ticker symbol LUV. The company gained $11,023 million in 2008, and today its stock price reaches $9.83. Its strategy as an egalitarian company has let the company achieve success. However some frequent passengers have raised some questions about the policy of avoiding preferential treatment for its loyal customers. Major problem The Southwest Airlines major problem is the threat to lose some of its frequent customers. The case illustrates two opposite kinds of frequent passengers: The first one is William Mark, who loves almost everything that Southwest provides such as: the opportunity to come earlier and have a great seat, the absence of meals, and the ticket prices. The other one is Liz Bast, who loves the policy of using minor league airports, but has complaints related to the ways of seat assignment, the rules about upgrading restricted tickets, and she wishes to have preferential treatment, especially because she flies more than 100.000 miles per year. The customers like Liz Bast might be looking for another airliner company. Therefore, Southwest needs to figure out one strategy which helps to avoid this problem. Contributing Factors: The threat to lose some of Southwest’s frequent customers is caused by five factors: Recheck-in baggage: Passengers with connected flight who are going to switch to another airline have to pick up their checked baggage and recheck-in with the next airline. No assigned seats for passengers: Southwest used first-come first-served system in seats assignment, which means people who arrived first will get the better seats. This is an issue because passengers might easily change their preferences and fly with other airlines. For example, Liz Bast is a frequent customer of Southwest Airlines, but because she is always busy she comes late to her flights and the company cannot offer her the seat she wanted. Liz’s problem will be solved if she could book a specific seat and this service is not valid at Southwest Airlines. Rewards count on trips number: there is no credit given to passengers on how many miles they flew, but free flights are offered according to the number of trips taken. Therefore, customers could choose Southwest Airlines for only short flights because the length of flight is not a factor in the company reward system. Restricted fare tickets: Passengers with restricted fare tickets cannot use their tickets if they missed the flight without paying the difference even if they were  frequent customers. This strict policy gives the customers a feeling that the company does not value their business. High competition in the industry: 2001 was so difficult for airlines industry, the Southwest’s competitors might be thinking of attracting its loyal customers for their benefits. Advantages and Disadvantages of Potential Solutions First Solution: Southwest Airlines makes an advertisement campaign, which emphasizes not only its low fare but also high quality customer service. Advantages: It will help increase the company’s image and awareness. If the company construct a good advertisement campaign, it will increase its sales and that will lead to increase the company’s revenue It will be a good communication tool for the company to reach out to its costumers and let them know about the company’s value. Disadvantage: The campaign might increase sales, but it would not give what frequent customers really want. The campaign will be costly and it is possible for Southwest to spend a fortune on it and get a little profit. Second Solution: Southwest changes its policies on seat assignment and ticket restrictions in two ways: By paying $25 extra fee, the customers can choose their seat. For frequent customers, who have flown more than five times per year, there will be no charge on their restricted fare tickets if they miss their flight. Advantage: Using this strategy we think that Southwest might retain costumers who expected to be treated with some priorities or differentiation. Likewise, we consider that with this strategy the company might increase its incomes, and also attract some clients of its competitors. Disadvantage: The company identity will be changed from an egalitarian company to a privilege one. Therefore, this policy might confuse clients about what the  real target is. Recommendation: We suggest the second solution, which is to change the company’s policies on seat assignment and ticket restrictions, for five reasons: First, the main problem will be solved by giving clients, such as Liz Bast, the opportunity to decide their seats with extra fee. In addition, this solution will keep the company’s customers more satisfied and at the same time increasing their loyalty. Second, solution number two will increase the company’s revenues. According to The Wall Street Journal1, by receiving extra fee on assigning seats, Southwest could add seven hundred fifty million dollars ($750.000.000) in its year revenues. Third, if you take a look at first solution, you can see that it will increase the awareness of the company products, offers, and strengthen the company’s image. However, it will bring more costs to the company by spending more money on its advertising campaign Forth, it is a long-term solution. By giving an advantage to the customers who make their reservation earlier, Southwest will strengthen its position among competitors, and the major problem will be solved. Finally, with the second solution, Southwest airlines should focus more on its customers reward system and improve it. Moreover, in a very competitive sector where Southwest operates, it must rely on customer’s loyalty and with such reward system it should attract more customers.

Monday, January 20, 2020

My Favourite Place :: Papers

My Favourite Place I've just finished some hard homework and I know I've done it wrong. I've had a really bad day; my head is overflowing with worries about SATS tests/ my 'English talk' / that 20-page-essay I haven't started that has to be in by tomorrow. So where do I go? (Although 'off the end of a cliff ' springs to mind, it's not the answer!) I go to my bedroom with a bar of chocolate, tumble onto my bed, press the play button on my video and settle down to watch 'Friends', or 'Trigger Happy TV'. Ah! Much better! Purple!That's all you see when you walk into my room. Masses of purple everywhere, followed by a blue beaded lampshade on my light that hangs so low that it brushes your head every time you walk under it. Mirrors, pictures and photographs decorate my room. What's better than having a picture painted by your mum, gold and silver mirrors, and photographs of your best friends smiling down at you from the wall? There is a lot crammed into my small room! My giant wardrobe (my other favourite place is at the shops, so it has to house a lot of clothes!), and my bed full of cushions: - I love cushions! I have cushions of every colour, and I especially love the Indian designs with beads or tassels. The last time I counted there were thirteen! A curtain canopy hangs over my bed, with my blue dream catcher above my head as I sleep. The bay window is one of the best features of my room.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Lan-Based Computerized Office Equipment Borrowing System Essay

INTRODUCTION: Now a day, local area networking particularly computer jobs makes differences which are essential in our daily lives. Computer helps such an online marketing, online gaming as well as online reporting news updates to be specific. Local area networking also helps to do things in a short period of time. In fact computer change the lifetime state of the people in partnership himself and make it more essentials. LAN makes the industry more productivity in a way that some of the most companies used this to communicate more easier in terms of trading. As a result trading of products and equipments organized well and manageable. In reality, local area networking (LAN) is now part of our culture and industry, from the simple social works now enhanced and develops. One of that is Lan-Based Computerized Office Equipment Borrowing System which is used by the universities and also some big companies. In a ways that from the papers used to borrow, it becomes computerized to be more organized in borrowing equipments/items. A computerized borrowing system will even eliminated the rate of factual errors which are typically present in using manual process. It is helps to minimize the time consumption of gathering and borrowing equipments/items unlike on manual scheme. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: Today we are living of the modern world, In fact technologies more enhanced, as the result it is now used in different kind of job, business, companies and big universities. In term of education, Lan-Based Computerize Office Equipment Borrowing System helps in transmission and borrowing data online to avoid some difficult circumstances and loss of that data and items not just in that mean but also to minimized the time consumption in gathering and borrowing equipments. In terms of business, Online Borrowing is also helps to minimized some factual errors which is typically found in manual transmission and borrowing of items and equipments. You can now also borrow books and some informative items used by the students online, with the help of Local Area Networking (LAN), the borrower will present his/her identification online with the help of LAN we can avoid the loss of items and data. We also we minimized the time consumption of borrowing and transferring item and equipments. Generally, Lan-Based Computerized Office Equipment Borrowing System helps in our lifetime it changes the lifetime of the people and makes it more essentials. Education, Big companies and universities are some of project beneficiaries. THEORITICAL FRAMEWORKS: CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORKS: The following illustrations explain the existing system and how does the proposed system will improve the borrowing system in St. Catherine Institute of technology. Existing System: Figure no. 1 Manual Scheme of Student Examination Proposed System: Figure no. 2 Proposed System LAN – Based Student Examination System STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: 1. What is LAN – Based Computerized Office Equipment Borrowing System? 2. How the students rate the manual office equipment borrowing system? 3.1.1. Fair 3.1.2. Good 3.1.3. Satisfactory 3. What are the features of the LAN – Based Computerized Office Equipment Borrowing System? 4.1.4. Faster processing of borrowing request 4.1.5. More accurate borrowing schedule 4.1.6. Provides records of borrowing transactions 4.1.7. Establishes the formal approach of borrowing 4. Do you think it will be faster to trace delinquent borrower? * No   * Yes 5. Do you think it will be efficient and effective to both students and teachers to have this kind of program? 6. (LAN-BASED COMPUTERIZED OFFICE EQUIPMENT BORROWING SYSTEM) * No * Yes SCOPE AND LIMITATION: LAN – Based Computerized Office Equipment Borrowing System for SCIT covers only features the true identification of the students who have borrowed the equipment/item. This also covers the content of the items to be barrowed showed online. These systems help us to minimize the time consumption in terms of borrowing equipments. In assurance the people who`s responsible on borrowing data and equipment should only be used their true identification to avoid some difficulties and problem regarding equipment/item borrowing. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY: This study benefits the STUDENTS, the INSTRUCTORS, the SCHOOL, the RESEARCHES and the FUTURE RESEARCHES. Students * This kind of program will very helpful to students because borrowing and returning equipments/items from office will be more easier, and because it is now computerized, students will not be confused on where or who to borrow. The student’s benefit it in terms of it minimized the time consumed on borrowing equipment. Instructors * The system gives the instructors assurance form the borrower because it’s all recorded form the program itself. Less time and avoid lost of the equipments/items borrowed. School * This study can promote the school by having an accessible and hassle-free computerized office equipment borrowing system. It can lead people, particularly students to enroll in this school. It also helps lessen the expenses because there will be no need of a lot of papers and record and personnel to manually identify all who’s borrow the equipment. Future Researchers * This study will also benefit the future researcher, because by this study, they can visualize and do a great research in the future. It can be a guide to their future study. DEFINITION OF TERMS: Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES Related Foreign Literature According to Robson (2001), usability is the key requirement for users, says Elisabeth Robson, Product manager for Online Library Center. The catalogue has become a way to pull together disparate resources, including commercial resources and web links. Management system also allows circulation, including check and in check libraries to purchase materials and track where they are. According to Chad (2009), consulting is at a major point in the wider information economy within which library system from part of a larger whole. He was writing in briefing paper about the study in library management system. This study examines the system used in higher education libraries across the UK and came up with some significant observation and recommendations. It noted that the LMS market in UK higher education is already and that four main vendors ( EXLibris , Innovative , SirsiDynix and Talis ) have almost 90 percent of the market. This market maturity means, according to the authors, that the benefits to libraries of changing LMS provider are limited. Library users expect to find the everything together says Stephen Abram, vice president for innovation at SirsiDynix, the leading provider of software solutions and associated service for libraries. According to her traditionally, the library management system or integrated library system (ILS) was responsible for running libraries efficiently and effectively. Over last few years the role of the ILS has been expanding from meeting the library need to delivering user experience. Local Literature According to Eden (2011), views that most libraries are forced to work with few staff because of having a more improved and modernized system for their library. According also to the study the library administration need to emphasize to their staff that the organization has vested interest in providing them with the tools and training they need to assist the organization in new information market place. These maybe include search engines, circulation system and the online access catalog. According to Lopez (2002), University of the Philippines Mindanao when UP in Mindanao accepted its first batch of student in 1996, the Main Library collection was integrated with the core collection with the core collection of the School Management ( SOM ) Library at the Stanfilco Bldg., Ladislawa Avenue , Buhangin, Davao City. The Filipiniana and General References were housed together with the Collage of Art and Sciences (CAS) collection room 2 of the Philippine Coconut Authority. In the second sem ester AY 1996 – 1997, the CAS Library moved to its main campus in Bago Oshiro. Upon recognition of UP in Mindanao by Board of Regents (BOR) as constituent unit (CU) of the UP system, the cast split into two namely: Collage of Humanities and Social. Sciences (CHSS) and the Collage of Mathematic. (CSM). The Main Library transferred to newly renovate building were in the main collection was set-up besides the books of the CHSS and the CSM. In July 2002, the library established the Library Educational Media Information Technology Office (LEMITO). The LEMITO handles the audio visual services, internet and the connectivity of the library. It currently holds the office at the Elias B. Lopez Hall Dormitory. Later, the main library collection which grew from 100 titles to 6,191 volumes at the end of May 2004, and was transferred to the Administration Bldg today, the Main Library occupies the former UP in Mindanao Cultural Center (UPMCC) building. Related Studies The study of Charuasia (2010) connotes the term library with use of automatic Data processing machines to perform routine library activities. It implies a high degree of Mechanization of various routine and repetitive tasks & operations and processes are left to be performed by human beings. The study stresses library automation as the application of computers and utilization of computer based products and services in the performance of different operations and functions or in the provision of various services and output products. In addition to computer advancement, telecommunication and audio-visual technologies gives a way to new possibilities in information processing and handling. The study of Back & Bailey (2010), explored the design space of mash-up techniques for the faultless inclusion of information from Web services into websites. They considered the cases where an Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) is either the target of such addition or the basis of the information bei ng included. They focused on client-side techniques in which each user’s browser contacts Web services directly because this approach lends itself to the creation of HTML widgets. The widgets allow the integration and customization of Web services without requiring programming. They also described in detail the functionality and use of several widget libraries and Web services we built. Although the specific requirements for each system differ because of their respective nature, all systems are designed to be deployable with minimum effort and resource requirements. This low entry cost, combined with the provision of a high-level, non-programming interface, constitute two vital precondition for the broad adoption of techniques in libraries, which in turn has the potential to vastly increase the reach and visibility of their electronic resources in the wider community.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

How to Speak English

Most English learning boils down to the question of how to speak English. There are other goals as well, but learning how to speak English will help you communicate with others, and lead to better test scores on the TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, Cambridge and other exams. In order to know how to speak English, you need to have a plan. This guide on how to speak English provides an outline that you can follow to learn to speak English. If you already speak English, this guide will help you more quickly improve your English speaking skills. Difficulty Average Time Required From Six Months to Three Years Heres How Discover Which Type Of English Learner You Are When learning how to speak English you first need to find out what type of English learner you are. Ask yourself questions such as Why do I want to speak English? Do I need to speak English for my job? Do I want to speak English for travel and hobbies, or do I have something more serious in mind? Here is an excellent worksheet What Type of English Learner? to help you find out. Understand Your Goals Once you know what type of English learner you are, you can begin to better understand your goals. Once you know your goals, youll better understand what you need to do to speak English well. This is similar to understanding what type learner you are. Write down a list of the things you would like to do with your English. Would you like to speak English fluently in two years? Would you like to have enough English to travel and order food in a restaurant? Understanding exactly what you want to do with English will help you learn how to speak English because you will work towards your goals. Find Out Your Level Before you begin to learn how to speak English, youll need to know where to begin. Taking a level test can help you understand what level you are at and then you can start using resources appropriate for your level in order to learn how to speak English well. Of course, youll not only learn how to speak English, but also how to read, write and use English in a variety of settings. These quizzes will help you find your level. Start with the beginning level test and then move on. Stop when you get less than 60% and begin at that level. Beginning TestIntermediate TestAdvanced Test Decide On Learning Strategy Now that you understand your English learning goals, style and level its time to decide on an English learning strategy. The simple answer to the question of how to speak English is that you need to speak it as often as possible. Of course, its more difficult than that. Start off by deciding which type of learning strategy you will take. Do you want to study alone? Do you want to take a class? How much time do you have to dedicate to English study? How much are you willing to pay to learn to speak English? Answer these questions and you will understand your strategy. Put Together A Plan For Learning Grammar If you want to know how to speak English, youll also have to know how to use English grammar. Here are my five top tips on how to speak English with good grammar. Learn grammar from context. Do exercises that have you identify tenses and from within a short reading or listening selection. When learning how to speak English you need to use your muscles. Read your grammar exercises aloud which will help you learn to use correct grammar when speaking. Dont do too much grammar! Understanding grammar doesnt mean you speak. Balance grammar with other English learning tasks. Do ten minutes of grammar each day. Its better to only do a little every day than a lot once a week. Use self-study resources at this site. There are lots of grammar resources you can use here on the site to help you improve. Put Together A Plan For Learning Speaking Skills If you want to know how to speak English, youll have to have a plan for speaking English every day. Here are my top five tips to make sure you speak - not just study - English every day. Do all exercises using your voice. Grammar exercises, reading exercises, everything should be read aloud. Speak to yourself. Dont worry about someone hearing you. Speak out loud in English to yourself often. Choose a topic each day and speak for one minute about that topic. Use online exercises and speak in English using Skype or other programs. Heres some practice English speaking sheets to get you started. Make lots of mistakes! Dont worry about mistakes, make many and make them often. Put Together A Plan For Learning Vocabulary To make sure you know how to speak English about a wide range of topics youll need plenty of vocabulary. Here are some suggestions and resources to get you started. Make vocabulary trees. Vocabulary trees and other fun exercises can help you group vocabulary together for faster learning. Keep track of new vocabulary youve learned in a folder. Use visual dictionaries to help you learn more vocabulary faster. Choose to learn vocabulary about subjects you like. Theres no need to study vocabulary that doesnt interest you. Study a little bit of vocabulary every day. Try to learn just two or three new words / expressions every day. Put Together A Plan For Learning Reading / Writing If you want to learn how to speak English, you may not be too concerned with reading and writing. Still, its a good idea to learn how to read and write in English, as well as learn how to speak English. Remember to use your own native language reading skills. You dont need to understand every single word. Practice writing short texts on blogs or for comments at popular English learning web sites. People expect errors at these sites and youll feel very welcome. Read for pleasure in English. Choose a subject you like and read about it. Dont translate directly from your own language when writing. Keep it simple. Put Together A Plan For Learning Pronunciation Learning how to speak English also means learning how to pronounce English. Learn about the music of English and how it can help with English pronunciation skills. Find out about typical pronunciation mistakes people speaking your native tongue make. Consider using a pronunciation program to help you learn better pronunciation through practice. Get a dictionary that has good phonetic transcriptions to help you understand the sounds of English. Use your mouth! Speak out loud every day the more you practice the better your pronunciation will become. Create Opportunities To Speak English Using English as often as possible is the key to learning how to speak English well. Join English learning communities online to practice speaking English with others using video chatting software. Join local clubs that focus on speaking English, speak to tourists and give them a helping hand. If you have friends who are learning to speak English, set aside 30 minutes every day to speak English together. Be creative and create as many opportunities as possible to speak English. Tips Be patient with yourself. It takes a while to learn how to speak English well. Remember to give yourself time and treat yourself well.Do everything everyday, but only do ten to fifteen minutes of the more boring tasks. If you want to improve listening skills, just listen to the radio fifteen minutes rather than an hour. Do ten minutes of grammar exercises. Never do too much English. Its better to do just a little bit every day rather than a lot only twice a week.Make mistakes, make more mistakes and continue to make mistakes. The only way you will learn is by making mistakes, feel free to make them and make them often.Learn how to speak English about the things you like doing. If you enjoy speaking about the topic, it will be much easier for you to learn how to speak English well in a shorter amount of time. What You Need PatienceTimeWillingness to make mistakesFriends who can speak English with youBooks or internet resources in English